Our Stories

Mark's Story
I would like to take a moment and thank the staff at The Whatcom Dream for their coaching and interpersonal skills. When I came to The Whatcom Dream I was deep in debt, had no job and no real plan for my future. I now have a good job and was able to stay away from declaring bankruptcy and I have a clear plan for the future. What makes the staff at WD special is that they truly care about people. They want everyone to have access to medical insurance, a roof over their head and food. The basics. Beyond that, they gave me a book called “The Purpose Path” which challenges people to find employment that truly satisfies the human soul, not just a paycheck. I am also grateful for the concern the staff at WD show about my family and how important family is. This past month I flew back to Kentucky for a family reunion. I hadn’t been back for 11 years. Thanks Whatcom Dream for your love and friendship and guidance. Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Mark T.
I would like to take a moment and thank the staff at The Whatcom Dream for their coaching and interpersonal skills. When I came to The Whatcom Dream I was deep in debt, had no job and no real plan for my future. I now have a good job and was able to stay away from declaring bankruptcy and I have a clear plan for the future. What makes the staff at WD special is that they truly care about people. They want everyone to have access to medical insurance, a roof over their head and food. The basics. Beyond that, they gave me a book called “The Purpose Path” which challenges people to find employment that truly satisfies the human soul, not just a paycheck. I am also grateful for the concern the staff at WD show about my family and how important family is. This past month I flew back to Kentucky for a family reunion. I hadn’t been back for 11 years. Thanks Whatcom Dream for your love and friendship and guidance. Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Mark T.
I would like to take a moment and thank the staff at The Whatcom Dream for their coaching and interpersonal skills. When I came to The Whatcom Dream I was deep in debt, had no job and no real plan for my future. I now have a good job and was able to stay away from declaring bankruptcy and I have a clear plan for the future. What makes the staff at WD special is that they truly care about people. They want everyone to have access to medical insurance, a roof over their head and food. The basics. Beyond that, they gave me a book called “The Purpose Path” which challenges people to find employment that truly satisfies the human soul, not just a paycheck. I am also grateful for the concern the staff at WD show about my family and how important family is. This past month I flew back to Kentucky for a family reunion. I hadn’t been back for 11 years. Thanks Whatcom Dream for your love and friendship and guidance. Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Mark T.
Lynn's Story

I was told about Whatcom Dream after losing my job in 2019. I’m 63 years old and without any means, as I have always supported myself in a career I love, but that doesn’t pay much- veterinary nursing. I have never had a problem finding work in the past, but for the first time in my life I was faced with being too old to get a new job in my field. I was feeling financially insecure and had a lot of stress about my future and becoming old age. The WD staff quickly grasped the nature of my situation and reassured me we would work together to find solutions for my situation.
The staff at WD are very knowledgeable about financial management and worked with me one-on-one for about a year. They helped me by guiding me to make responsible and far-sighted decisions. We talked through all of my options and they never MADE me do anything, but I always understood the importance of the suggestions they offered. They bent over backwards to help me. I appreciate the WD staff for the support, knowledge and reassurance they bring, especially in uncertain times, empowering people directly. They care and offer real world solutions!
In gratitude,
Lynn W.
Marin's Story

Whatcom Dream has been essential in setting my partner and I on a path to financial wellness and health. When we first started meeting with them in one-on-one financial coaching, we were getting by financially, but not able to a point where we were truly comfortable and able to meet our financial goals. Through many meetings and check-ins, Whatcom Dream staff gave us the tools we need to look critically at our spending and saving habits, and this has changed our financial security significantly. We have reduced our debt, increased retirement savings, and have a solid plan in place to help us reach our financial goals. Whatcom Dream also provided guidance on other subjects, especially in regards to our careers. They have encouraged us to find a way to earn a living that fulfills us both financially and personally. The staff at Whatcom Dream are knowledgeable, kind and compassionate. They are striving to help people succeed. The services provided by Whatcom Dream are of immeasurable importance to the well-being of our community.
Korin's Story

Hello my name is Korin. I met Kevin Stray at my high school Avid class where he gave me lots of insight on budgeting skills, the benefits of having a good credit score, and how to build it. He showed us the benefits and dangers of investing.
My family has always been on the poor side. Right now, I am living on a boat anchored off Taylor dock in Fairhaven. I plan on opening an account at WECU and start building my credit score right away. After building my credit score, I want to get a small business loan to start a hotdog cart. That’s my long-term goal.
I plan on attending Bellingham Technical College next year for two years of culinary arts. I hope to pay the tuition and fees through FAFSA and the 3000 dollars I was awarded from Dollars for Scholars. I know this will not be enough to cover all the fees the school will throw at me and I will have to get a job or do work study to pay for living fees.
I hope to gain as much cooking experience I can. I have a SCORE mentor to help me start my hotdog business. I plan to start that in the next year. Kevin gave me lots of good insight on how to make that happen.
A scholarship from Whatcom Dream will help me finish paying for any expenses, equipment, and tuition the FAFSA does not cover. I would be greatly appreciative.
Carla's Story

Carla, a current Whatcom Dream participant and a current resident at New Way Ministries recently went to WECU in Lynden with me to face up to her past credit wreckage. She was nervous, but determined to move forward toward a better life for herself and her kids. Today, Carla bravely explained her situation to Alexis Caudill, a kind, compassionate loan officer at WECU. I was privileged to watch Carla’s shame dissolve into a big sigh of relief and gratitude as Alexis offered her a full checking and savings with no restrictions whatsoever! Carla has worked hard to get to this point. As I sat there witnessing Carla’s elation, I thought to myself: I LOVE my job! I, too, was in Carla’s shoes in 2003. Whatcom Dream was there to walk me through the steps of financial recovery and face up to my fears as well.
Passing this gift of support on is my absolute joy!
Carla is well on her way to a brighter future. Whatcom Dream is here for her, every step of the way. Our collaborative partnerships her success. Whatcom Dream is so happy to partner with WECU and New Way Ministries in Lynden, WA!
Yours Sincerely, Trudy Shuravloff
Emily's Story

"When I first got into contact with The Whatcom Dream, I hated money. I was in debt, financially stressed and didn't know anything about budgeting. I had been in a series of situations where I felt financially controlled and had developed a keen sense that I wasn't capable of managing my own money or that I was ever going to get out of poverty.
Slowly, through the financial literacy class and private financial coaching sessions I grew to understand more about how to regain a control over my finances.
Under the guidance of WD staff, I have gotten out of debt and been empowered to see myself as capable of managing my money. The kindness of the WD team has overwhelmed me as they have journeyed with me toward a future of being self-sustained and independent.
I am now building a career for myself, and feel prepared for the future in a way that I would not have been if the WD had not been in my corner. They are helping me restore my relationship with my finances and because of this i am so grateful for their mentorship, support and unwavering presence over the last few years."
Kellie's Story

I signed up for Whatcom Dream's financial literacy class to gain a working knowledge of the ins and outs of personal finances. Following the class, I reached out for help because my heap of debt had diversified with credit cards, collections, back taxes, upside down car loan, all on top of the student loans. I wasn’t sure where to start chipping or what to chip it with. At the end of the class I asked the instructor if I could show him my “pile”. I had never shown anyone my pile and like many other people, felt a deep sense of shame around my "pile".
Through financial counseling, I was able to curb the behavior of excess spending and gain control of my finances. Going through details with someone else not only gave me confidence with finances, but it also affected other areas of my life positively. My instructor encouraged me to say yes to things that are good for me; new tires, going to the dentist, hobbies that are good for my soul, and visiting family. Keeping close track of expenses allowed me to see what could be left over if I stick to a budget by being better about cooking from home, avoiding spontaneous purchases, etc. While it’s easy to say “I should spend less money” it is difficult to put into practice. Witnessing my own positive changes has helped me to see the reward of budgeting. For example, I was able to save and afford a new apartment that was better suited for me in a short time span. Putting financial energy into improving those core aspects of our lives helps with long term financial freedom. I didn’t realize how often I was settling for less than what I wanted on things based on not “having enough.” Kevin pushed me to visualize the new apartment, and put energy into making that come true. It was a great incentive to save.
The most difficult part that I still struggle with is carrying shame around past decisions, and being honest with myself and the financial counselor. However, carrying the weight of past mistakes doesn’t solve any of my current problems or make me “better at money”. We have all made mistakes...and let’s face it, credit cards are designed to encourage you to spend more than you have! Taking a deep breath and being honest about the situation allows the opportunity to move forward with a plan that could actually work. Figuring out a solution that works feels empowering to make more informed choices in the future. Suddenly, the dream is now the practical solution, your shame is somewhere in the trash, and there is a sense of confidence poking your shoulder.
Many thanks for the help and guidance I received through The Whatcom Dream!
A Board Member's Perspective

I have seen the positive impacts The Whatcom Dream has had on our community over the years with our Financial Literacy classes and with the other services we offer. I am a current board member and this experience has really opened my eyes to the lives that are changed by the programs offered by TWD. Offering a “hand-up” instead of a “hand-out” coincides with my personal philosophy. In order to break the cycle of poverty, individuals often need financial assistance, along with financial education, to empower them to take those next steps of financial responsibility.
Partnering with other local organizations such as WaFd Bank (my employer) is vital to maintaining these critical programs. The primary target audience for TWD are individuals who are struggling with their fnances. I’m proud we have supported them in the past and I’m hopeful we can increase our commitment level. Honestly, it’s difficult to imagine an organization that fits so perfectly into what we, as a bank, are all about.
Thank you,
Josh Guthrie
VP & Officer, Cornwall Office WaFdBank, Bellingham, WA